Oh hi there! Yep, I'm back already with another finished quilt top. I'm on a roll! It took me about 2 months to finish the
swoon quilt (which felt like for-ever!), then I finished the
accidental quilt top, which really only required me to put sashing between the "coins" on that quilt...
And I had fully intended on starting on the baby's quilt next. But then something happened... I won
Katy Jones' Blogger's Choice Bundle from the
Fat Quarter Shop! I usually don't enter giveaways because I like to see fabric in person and am finding that I enjoy the process of curating fabrics for a quilt. However, I really loved the fabrics Katy chose for her bundle.
Katy blogs over at
I'm A Ginger Monkey in case you don't already follow her blog. Her blog was one of the first 3 or 4 that I found when I started sewing. In fact, to win her blogger bundle, you had to guess what her fabric choices would be. Since I've been following her for quite some time I had no problem guessing what she would use.
Once I received the fabrics, I could not resist cutting into them. I tried to resist, I really did. But that lasted for all of a day or two. I almost immediately knew what pattern I wanted to use. My sister has a really cool antique quilt that I admire every time I am at her house. I thought that the blogger bundle fabrics would work perfectly with that pattern. I asked her to send me a picture of her antique quilt and so she did:

From there, I estimated the size of the block and then calculated what dimensions the pieces would need to be cut at. If I had been more patient, I could have waited until the next time I was at her house & measured the quilt block components, but I was so excited to get started I just couldn't wait! After I calculated what size pieces I would need, I figured out how many pieces I could get out of each fat quarter. I then decided that I wanted to add 5 fat quarters from my stash so I could make the quilt top a bit bigger and also so I could add just a little bit more variety. I'm finding that the more fabrics I use in a quilt, the more I like the quilt. I don't know if it is that I like the look of the quilt more or that I like the process more because I get to use more fabrics. Maybe a little of both.

From there I cut out the fabric to make a practice block. I wasn't sure how it was going to come out, but it actually worked! I made just a few adjustments to my dimensions. The block ended up being 9.5" unfinished. I was shooting for 10" unfinished, but the math just worked better for the 9.5" block.
I ended up doing a 6 x 8 layout, which worked perfect for having the X's not get "broken", and gave me a final quilt top of 54" x 72", which I think is a great size of quilt for me. Yeah, that's right, I'm keeping this quilt for myself! I just love it too much to give it away.

I finished this quilt top in about 10 "working" days, which is really
fast for me since I typically only get about 2 hours of quilting time a
day - and that's if I'm really lucky. And that 10 days included making
the calculations and the practice block. I'm sure part of the reason
this quilt top came together so quickly was that I never pinned a single
thing. Really the only time you would need to pin is at the end when
you are joining the blocks. Even without pinning I am pretty happy with
how everything lined up. (We have had overcast skies since yesterday, which is when I finished the top. However, I was too excited to wait for a sunny day for pictures, so hopefully you'll forgive me for these less than stellar photos.)
As much as I really want to dive in and start quilting this top, I know I need to piece my baby boy's quilt first. So this quilt top will just have to join the queue of tops that are waiting for quilting.
Quilt Top Stats:
Fabric: Katy Jones' Blogger's Choice Bundle for the Fat Quarter Shop (click on link above to see the names of the fabrics included in the bundle) + 5 fat quarters I pulled from my stash
Pattern: Replica of an antique quilt my sister owns... I don't know if there is a name for this pattern....
Dimensions: 54" x 72"
Started quilt top: August 8th, 2013
Finished quilt top: August 21st, 2013
Linking up to Needle and Thread Thursday.
Linking up to Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday.
Linking up to Confessions Of A Fabric Addict.
Linking up to Richard & Tanya Quilts.
Linking up to Finish It Up Friday.