Monday, April 22, 2013

why I've been away....

 ....because growing a baby makes me sick.  ;)  Very sick.  With this one, I had to break down and go on Zofran.  With Tensley I toughed it out until it finally ended at 18 weeks.  This time, by 10 weeks I had lost 10 pounds and was vomiting 3 times a day.  I'll be 18 weeks on Wednesday, so I am hoping it will let up soon.  Also, the baby was very cooperative.  This was literally the VERY first image on the screen:

I was shocked because for some reason I thought it was going to be a girl - maybe because of the horrible nausea & vomiting, coupled with the fact that all my other symptoms are identical to when I was pregnant with Tensley.  I guess I'll have to go shopping for boy clothes now!

As far as sewing, I honestly have not done one bit of quilting since January.  I'm hoping I'll start feeling better soon so I can get a few projects finished up and hopefully get a quilt made in time for my friend's August wedding!  Hopefully I'll be back here soon with quilting news!



  1. Congrats, to the baby!!!
    Well, not to being sick all the time!
    I know exactly what you are going through,
    poor you!!
    Take care!!!

  2. Congratulations to you! I hope you are feeling better now.
